The data that needs to be recorded in the reverse osmosis operation, don't miss it.

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19 Apr 2023

A summary of the data that needs to be recorded in the reverse osmosis operation, don't miss it.

A summary of the data that needs to be recorded in the reverse osmosis operation, don't miss it.

Why record the initial operating data

During the operation, the operating conditions of the system, such as pressure, temperature, system recovery rate and feed water concentration, may change and cause changes in product water flow and quality. In order to effectively evaluate the performance of the system, it is necessary to compare products under the same conditions Water flow and quality data, because it is impossible to always obtain these data under the same conditions, it is necessary to "normalize" the RO performance data under the actual operating conditions according to constant operating conditions in order to evaluate the performance of the RO membrane. Standardization includes "normalization" of product water flow and "normalization" of salt breakthrough.

If the operating conditions of the system are the same as when it was first put into operation, the flow that can be theoretically achieved now is called the standardized flow.

If the system operating conditions are the same as when it was first put into operation, the desalination rate that can be theoretically achieved now is called the standardized desalination rate.

From the above definition, we can know that the reference point for standardization is the operation data at the time of initial operation (stable operation or after 24 hours), or the standard parameters of the reverse osmosis membrane element manufacturer. At this time, the reverse osmosis membrane is basically not affected. For any pollution, in the future, it is necessary to judge whether there is pollution in reverse osmosis and whether it needs to be cleaned, and it needs to be judged based on the data at the time of initial operation. Therefore, the data at the time of initial operation is particularly important and must be recorded.

Daily operation records should include these contents   

Boot record

The performance characteristics of the RO plant must be documented from the outset. The start-up report should include a complete plant description. Flow charts, plant diagrams can be used to represent pre-treatment, RO plant and post-treatment, initial pre-treatment and RO performance records.
All gauges and meters must be calibrated and documented in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

RO operation data
The operating data can be explained. For the performance of the RO system, all data should be collected and recorded throughout the life of the RO. These data, together with regular water analysis, provide information for evaluating the performance of the RO unit.
1. Flow (product water and concentrated water flow of each section).
2. Pressure (all levels of water supply, concentrated water, product water).
3. Temperature (feed water).
4. pH value (feed water, product water, concentrated water).
5. Conductivity/TDS (feed water, product water, each section of feed water, product water concentrated water).
6. SDI (feed water, after 5mm filtration, each section of feed water, concentrated water).
7. LSI of the last concentrated water.
8. Hours of operation.
9. Occasional events (SDI, pH and pressure disturbances, outages, etc.).
10. The calibration of all instruments and meters must be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended method and cycle, but at least one calibration (correction) is required every three months.
11. Flow pressure, temperature, pH value, conductivity, SDI (water supply), once per shift.
12. SDI of each section of feed water and concentrated water once a week, and analyze the residue on the filter membrane.
13. The TDS of each section of feed water, concentrated water and product water is analyzed once a month.
14. Residual chlorine and conductivity once a day.
15. Concentrated water (drainage) LSI once a week.
16. Record accidental events as they occur.

Dosing operation data
1. SDI once a day before and after adding acid.
2.5mm filter inlet and outlet pressure once per shift.
3. Acid consumption once a day.
4. NaClO consumption once a day.
5. NaHSO3 consumption once a day.
6. The calibration of all instruments and gauges shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and methods, but shall be calibrated at least once every three months.
maintenance log
Maintenance records must be kept, they can provide information on permeator and mechanical equipment performance

Further information, including the following:
1. Routine maintenance.
2. Mechanical failure/replacement.
3. Replacement of reverse osmosis/pressure vessel/membrane element.
4. Cleaning (cleaning agent and cleaning conditions).
5. Replace the 5mm filter element.
6. Calibration of instruments and meters.

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